It never really dawned on me that some of my office mates will be going to Cebu for the Chase conversion. Sure, we've talked about it since December and made up our minds who will be assigned to which site, but the realization that these people will be gone for at least one month was eclipsed by the "insane" schedule we had for the past weeks. So when Dimple and I were exchanging goodbyes earlier, I suddenly became aware that I won't be seeing her and the other Cebu-assigned trainers for 4 weeks. And I started to miss them right there and then!
I think that sometimes we take for granted the times we spend at work. We don't know how much we truly "touch" everyone by just talking, arguing, laughing, singing, dancing, teasing, joking, working, photocopying, eating, meeting, and training together. We don't realize that almost 10 - 12 hours a day, 5 days a week, are spent with our co-workers while the remaining time is allocated for our personal lives. It's no surprise then that we will eventually "bond", whether we like it or not. Of course, it goes without saying that I am happy with the friendships forged within the training team.
To Dimple, Shalom, Tricia, PJ, Che, and Jill, have a safe trip to and a wonderful time in Cebu. Enjoy Golden Peak, hehehe! Ingat kayo. Pasalubong ko ha?