Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mea culpa...

I've always been a stickler for good grammar, right spelling, and correct pronunciation in English. I know I'm far from perfect, but when the opportunity to rectify someone's errors presents itself, I readily volunteer to help. Unwittingly, in the process, I end up "helping" people feel humiliated or insulted.

Okay, it's not like I just had an epiphany today! I know that people are different from one another. They react differently when faced with a similar situation. But I forget. I myself do not feel slighted in any way when someone reviews my grammar, even with other people around. I can take it; I can laugh at myself. But not everyone is like me.

This particular truth bashed me in the face unexpectedly this morning. It hurt me because always, when I correct someone, it's with the purest intention to improve him or her and not to embarrass. It hurt because I never thought it would be taken out of that context. I was wrong. This incident made me realize that before I commence my little crusade of "grammarizing" everyone, I have to pause and reflect on whether this action gets the right reaction.

I'm sorry, my dear friend, if you felt mortified. Thank you for being honest. I promise to be more sensitive, from hereon out.

There, I've said my piece. Blogging sure is a stress-reliever. Whew!


  1. And it also feels god to be aware of our imperfections. Human as we are, we are always bound to commit mistakes. :) And yeah, blogging frees my soul. I wanna die. This certification is sending my freakin ass to kingdom come!

  2. "It also feels 'god' to be aware of our imperfections." That's an oxymoron right there hahaha! So how was it? How was COACH certification? Kwento ka!
