Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bill Maher and his religion of invisible idiocy...

I'm watching a supposedly great documentary (well, the critics collectively gave it a B rating), Religulous, but more than 60 minutes into the movie I still can't see how this is supposed to be great. Yes, the movie is directed by Larry Charles, the same person responsible for the incredibly funny mockumentary Borat, but at most, I only snickered once or twice in the last hour watching this film. That's not good.

I think it's mainly Bill Maher's presence in it that spoiled everything. Maher, a stand-up comic with "libertarian" ideals, suddenly thinks he is privileged and authorized enough to just make ambush interviews and edits them to his advantage. I would have to hand it to him though for choosing the "perfect" targets for his barrage of self-serving assaults on Christianity (especially Catholicism). Where does he find these victims? They're plainly stupid and just utterly ridiculous.

I am not Catholic, nor a devout practicing Christian, but Maher simply offends. To make matters worse, he does not even care! What a selfish prick!

For all its worth, Religulous, amounts to nothing more than an amateur YouTube video (with high quality effects, mind you) challenging the validity and significance of religion and it's corrupt influence on the world today. I mean, what's new?!? This is not something off the beaten path of evangelization!

Another example of morons who have bitten more than they can chew. Sadly, the religion of invisible idiocy remains powerful because it is concealed even to its perpetrator...

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